I have absolutely no evidence to support this but I think every quarter-life crisis involves contemplating going back to “school”. It still blows my mind that our traditional secondary education setup would have us decide what we wanted to do…
6 Things to Know Before Your First Semester of College!
First: I am so jealous of you. Oh my goodness, how in the world am I already a senior.. in COLLEGE. Yeah, I have no idea. Nope, none, zilch. If you are new, my name is Gabby and I’m a…
Behind the Scenes of The College Blogger Lifestyle
As more and more people find my blog, I get more questions about what it’s like always being active on social media and having to pair up running a blog and taking a full semester of courses in the sciences….
100 Things to Know Before College
1. You are about to embark on a journey that will be terrifying, exciting, and downright unpredictable. 2. Make mistakes and learn from them. 3. Never go a day without dessert, life is too short. 4. Social media is a…