I’ve been thinking about blogging and the pressures of social media and the push to be “perfect”. Now, I don’t see myself as perfect, but through the lens of social media it may seem like I always have everything together….
My Style Diary: Summer & Fall 2017
Only one paper stands between me and the end of my fall semester which is totally bittersweet. I am ready for winter break and my last semester here in Chapel Hill. I just have a feeling that 2018 is going to…
My Christmas Wishlist!
There are several affiliate links sprinkled throughout this post! Thanks for supporting The Swirl. On Black Friday, my mom asked me what I wanted for Christmas. Every single year it gets harder and harder to try and figure out what…
Friday Chit Chat 10
HI HELLO! It’s Friday. Which means it’s time to chat! There’s been a little gap in my Friday chit chats, but I was legitimately itching to get to writing this, so I knew I needed to just go ahead and…
What to Do In LA: Melrose Avenue Mural Crawl
You’re probably sick and tired of hearing all about my LA trip, but I also loved that weekend in the City of Stars and I just have more to share. If you follow me on the multitude of social media…
Friday Chit Chat Vol 7 | LA Trip Recap Pt 2
**This post contains affiliate links. Thanks for supporting y’all; we appreciate it!** So, I’ve been doing a really horrible job about having these written in advance and with my internship picking up, it’s only getting harder. It’s all good though…
Friday Chit Chat Vol. 4 | San Diego & The #NSale As A College Student
Hello again! It’s Friday; congratulations, we all made it another week! I’ve completed 3 weeks on the west coast and I’m loving it. The people here are great, the work I’m doing is great[challenging, but great}, and the views are…
Friday Chit Chat 3 | The Girl Behind the Blog
hey hey hey. You know what time it is! Friday chit chats are starting to become my new favorite post. I feel like it’s super close to what most people think I do when I say I have a “blog”….
Friday Chit Chat #1
I’ve felt pressured to take high quality photos with all my blog posts recently because that’s what you’re supposed to do, right? You need the graphics to keep people scrolling? Well, I think it’s a little more than that. People…
How To Get Motivated After Vacation!
About a week ago, I took a long weekend and went back home to see Chance the Rapper(!!) in concert, visit family, and hang with Hannah. To be honest, I still haven’t really gotten back on track and today I’m…
What You Actually Need to Bring To Your Summer Internship
There are some affiliate links sprinkled throughout this post just meaning that we will make a small commission if you purchase through our link. You won’t get charged a cent more! Thanks for supporting The Swirl Blog. ICYMI, I’m going…
5 Travel Hacks for Exploring New Cities
There are some affiliate links throughout this post! This just means when you purchase through our link, we make a small commission! You won’t get charged anything extra. All opinions expressed are 100% my own. Thanks for supporting The Swirl…