I always have every intention of getting these posts up in the morning. But, I am not that put together sometimes; and after a busy work week, I am so exhausted! But enough of my excuses, you didn’t come here…
10 Truths to Being an Out-Of-State Student at a State School!
Well, hey there, out-of-stater! Welcome to the ranks of the silly students who swapped states and still went to the state school. You are in for some of the same things that I’ve been experiencing for the past 3 years!…
Essential College Pieces Worth the Investment
This post contains a few affiliate links. This won’t change the price of the products; we’ll just make a few dollars from your purchase! Thanks for supporting The Swirl Blog. I was sifting through the mail last week when a…
Friday Chit Chat Vol. 4 | San Diego & The #NSale As A College Student
Hello again! It’s Friday; congratulations, we all made it another week! I’ve completed 3 weeks on the west coast and I’m loving it. The people here are great, the work I’m doing is great[challenging, but great}, and the views are…
4 Things To Consider Before Changing Your Major
Well, it’s been awhile since we’ve accepted a guest post and I’m excited about this one! Neither Hannah nor I have ever gone through changing our major, so it’s something we don’t have first hand knowledge on! But, luckily for…
Pinterest Strategy: The Best Time to Pin + How to Pin
Okay y’all, so this is the final installment of my Pinterest strategy series! If you missed the first two installments (Profile and Board Branding and creating the Ideal Pin), be sure to check them out after you read this post!…