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I did a morning routine way back. That post is really old. I was still living in my first apartment and I didn’t really have a ritual I loved. Now, that I’m pretending to be a big girl with big girl responsibilities in a big girl city; I thought it was time to get consistent and make a routine I actually loved and could sustain. There’s still a ton of good information in that post about how to build your own morning routine. This is going to be more of a follow me around in the morning type of post. Hope you enjoy and hope I convince you to become a morning kind of person [the best kind if you ask me]. Oh, and go check out my theatrical production on YouTube.
6:15 am: Good Morning!
I am an early riser. I’ve been groomed to be this way because my parents woke up so early and were banging pans around at 6:30 am. If you didn’t naturally wake yourself up, you were definitely woken up. I’m currently using my phone as an alarm until I get a new Alexa for my room. I sit up, but still linger in my bed. This keeps me from falling back asleep, but also gives me time to scroll through Instagram, Twitter, and the Morning Briefing from The New York Times. I also give The Skimm email a read before finally popping out from under all my blankets. I make my bed immeditaley after getting out of bed and I’ve gotten pretty consistent about it at this point [be proud of me, Mom].
6:35 am: But First, Coffee.
I bet you were wondering when my favorite coffee contraption came into play in the mornings. I pretty much always brew a cup of coffee right before I head to the bathroom. My Keurig K-Cafe makes my morning coffee an enjoyable experience [that sounded so much like sponsored copy, but really, truly, so enjoyable]. I absolutely love it and would recommend it to any budding coffee fanatic. I mostly just brew a normal cup of Donut Shop Sweet and Creamy coffee. But, you could also make a latte or cap if it’s gonna be one of those days. While that’s brewing, I head to the loo.
6:40 am: A Lil’ Face Therapy
Now, that I’m a grown adult [or so I would like to think]. I have a full-fledged skincare routine so that my face feels like a baby’s bottom. Interesting. In the morning, I opt for a basic skin care regiment that just happens to consist of the whole First Aid Beauty hydrating product line. Yeah, it’s boring yet effective. I cleanse, tone, apply serum, and then moisturize. My face feels fabulous after this simple pampering. My Crest Pro-Health whitening toothpaste makes my teeth shiny white.
6:50 am: Breakfast is the Most Important Meal of the Day.
Yes, it really is. My rotation of breakfasts: oatmeal and banana with chia seeds, spinach and pepper jack omelet, and fruit parfait layered with granola. They are all easy to make and I can literally do it in under 10 minutes at this point. I also pack up my lunch and snacks from my collection of pre-prepared meals. Also, at this point, that coffee that I brewed has cooled to my liking and I transfer it to my Ember mug. That thing is literally the best gadget to ever exist. My perfect temperature is 125 degrees and you can control it from your phone. Amazing.
7:05 am: Choose a combination of my unofficial daily uniform.
Surprise! A style blogger who doesn’t plan their outfit ahead of time. And that’s probably because I wear the same basic outfit every day to work/class. It’s comfy, warm, and not too complicated. *Insert a pair of Old Navy jeans, one of my turtleneck-ed tops/sweaters, and one of my favorite pairs of booties/winter boots of the moment.* This is why my winter essentials are such a big deal for adding an element of style to my daily look.
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7:10 am: Keep it easy, breezy, beautiful.
I don’t really do much when it comes to makeup on the weekdays. I like to let my skin breathe. When it’s incredibly cold though, I make sure to apply some primer and some of Mac Studio Fix Powder. It keeps me from appearing dried out and ashy. I might apply some mascara if I’m feeling fancy and finish off with a little bit of the Fenty Glow lip gloss. My hair gets a little touch up with my Chi straightner and some products to keep my scalp hydrated.
7:20 am: Take a few deep breaths.
I take a few moments for myself by checking my email, flipping through my planner, and tracking my breakfast in MyFitnessPal. If I’m running ahead of schedule [RARE], I may look at a YouTube video or take a peek at Bloglovin’ for new blog posts. These last few moments of calm before the day help me stay grounded. I definitely recommend working in time to just sit and stare out your window lol.
7:30 am: And we’re off.
Right before I leave my apartment is also when I remember to take my vitamins from OLLY. These taste so good and have all the important vitamins. I leave my apartment around 7:30 am depending on my schedule for the day. I try to make it to a coffee shop or to my desk around 8:00 am. If it’s a morning that I have class I have more time to mosy around in my apartment, but I like to be ready to leave at 7:30 am every single day. This routine makes mornings smooth and predictable which is exactly what you need for a good start to the day.
There you have it: my new and improved morning routine. I like that I know exactly what to expect every morning! Of course, I have those days when my bed is extra warm and I can’t seem to get out of bed. It’s definitely easier to adapt when you’re night routine helps you prep for the next day. More on that routine later. Once I’ve got this nailed down, I’ll be able to focus on my night routine! What’s your favorite part of the morning or are you just downright against them? Who works out in the morning? I’ve yet to really nail this because I like to work earlier and get off earlier.
Keep on keepin’ on,