So, I’m a big fan of girl power and #girlbosses. So, today I’m switching it up and giving some shout outs to some of my favorite peeps of the internet. These gals are super smart and bring fresh content to the interwebs. I admire all of these strong and intelligent women and I guarantee you’ll find someone on this list that a) you’ve never known about before and b) has rockin’ material that you’ll love. Keep reading to see my favorite picks from all over the “lifestyle gals” internet niche.

Morgan @ Mostly Morgan & Morgan Timm
This girl is my fave for blogger tips and I’ve learned so much about self-hosting, branding, and monetizing from this #girlboss. Not a blogger? Not a problem. Her lifestyle blog is so much fun to read and it has a mix of everything from fashion to food to life-which I guess makes sense because it is lifestyle! Morgan is also really inspiring and is nothing short of a dream follower! I’m not gonna lie; I would not have the guts to move to NYC and explore a new city by myself fresh out of college. But, Morgan did it and I think that’s ah-mazing! Rock on girly! Check out her blog and give here some love on social media –> here.
Kayla @ Kayla Blogs
Kayla is one of my personal favorites and I read her blog religiously! Hannah and I came across her blog and blogging network that she created -Blogging College- when we first started the swirl and it’s been so much fun watching her blog grow! If you’re a big reader, you’ll also love following her on Instagram and GoodReads! I love the Monthly Rewind posts because I get to see all of the bloggers that she’s been loving as well! I’ve found a lot of smaller bloggers that are now some of my favorites through these posts so that’s awesome! Give her some love on her blog –> here.
Danielle Marie
Danielle makes me a little envious because if I had my life as together as she did in junior year I probably wouldn’t have such a crazed life schedule now! She’s also a really inspirational figure for girls in their middle/high school years which is extremely important because these are some of the most formative and sometimes negative years of a gal’s life so this kind of role model is much needed! Her Instagram is also #feedgoals. Show her some love over on her Youtube channel —> here.
Lauren @ A Lil’ Style
Lauren’s style is right up my alley! I love her outfit posts as well as her little tid bits about her life. It’s well written and the blog design is flawless. Be sure to follow along with her on Instagram for daily style inspiration! Photography is always something I admire of fashion bloggers and Lauren’s definitely doesn’t disappoint! Keep rockin’ it girl and good luck with your post grad plans! Follow along with Lauren —–> here.
Remi Ashten
Remi is so much fun! Whenver her videos pop up on my Youtube subscriptions its guaranteed to brighten my day! Body positivity is a big thing she talks about in some of her videos which again is so important for girls in her audience. Her best videos, imo, are her DIY videos! They are always really well explained and turn out so well! Remi is also super sassy which I appreciate because so am I. Show her some love over on her Youtube channel —> here.
Rachel @ Seashells + Sparkles
Seashells + Sparkles is one of my favorite lifestyle blogs because it is SO put together. She’s a {super} recent college grad so it’s been exciting to see what she’s writing and going through. I’ll be right behind her in a couple of years, so it’s nice to get some tips on how to adult! My favorite thing about Rachel is that she’s super interactive with her readership which is something that I really admire about bloggers in general! It’s nice to see someone who always take time out of their busy lives to stay active and present in the blogging community! Major props. Follow along with Rachel —> here.
Brooke Miccio
First thing’s first: follow her on Pinterest. Secondly, Brooke is one of my faves because she goes to a southern university, is super preppy, and is very real about what’s going on in her life. All my freshman out there who love my college posts, should go and watch her college videos. She’s really good about getting real on what to pack, what to wear, and the freshman experience! Show her some love over on her Youtube channel —> here.
Cristina @ Cristina Was Here.
Cristina Was Here is a fun collection of fashion, beauty, and “real girl” lifestyle posts. I’ve been following along with her posts for awhile and I love the way her website is laid out and the content that she posts. Cristina also has some quality health and fitness posts! Her blog encompasses the lifestyle niche so well and that’s my favorite thing about it! You get the best of all worlds. Go be envious of her impeccable flat lay blog photos –> here.
Lauren @ Creatively Lauren
I’m really loving Lauren’s new blog name/rebrand! It’s clean, but still vibrant. She packs a ton of really useful information into her blog posts for bloggers, college students, and basically anyone else! I also really love that she stressed that it was good for her to take a break from blogging to figure out her life which is something that I’ve struggled with as well! It’s good to take a step back and figure out the direction you want to take! I think that perspective she gained did wonders for her writing and content! It’s also great that she gives other bloggers shout outs on twitter frequently! Spread the love and check out some of her posts —> here.
Who are your fave bloggers & Youtubers? This is the only appropriate time to name drop below in the comments! I love discovering new bloggers to read.